
Bicycling life enhances joy

Yesterday it was raining and cool.  When I noticed it stopped, we changed our clothes and rushed to the garage.  But just before we pushed out our bikes, a little rain started again.  Maybe it will stop, we were optimistic to keep pedaling.  Wrong!  More and more rain was pouring.  We finished in 7 minutes. Sigh.....

Hours later we put back on dried our clothes and pedaled out.  As usual our bodies were stiff and heavy at beginning, but we had a fun time later to complete 10 miles riding.

When we got home back, and checked the mail box.  A card from one of my good old friends was delivered.

Such a splendid beauty of bicycle card I've never seen before. 
Felt happy very much.  If I didn't start riding last year, I'd  never have known this happiness.


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