
Found a cycleable park!

It is always hard to find a safe and fun trail away from cars which is what we need the most.  Finally I found one, so we tried riding there today.

Loaded our bikes and drove for a little more than half an hour to reach to John F. Kennedy Park in Napa this morning. 

There was a nice rest room, about which I really care.
We enjoyed riding for 52 minutes on a paved trail, then had a snack bar on the bench.  

Back home at Noon.  That was perfect. 
I'm going to add more pictures from the bike camera later.  


The night owl habit is very hard to fix.

My diet looked like it had gotten on the successful line, then the evil side of my  mind said, "I should  have just a little bit of fun here, because it won't hurt."
I love watching complicated movies at night, even after midnight.  That's bad.  Causing my lack of sleep which is very much in the way of loosing weight.

The strange tendency is:  the more I rode long distance or the more I did heavier physical activity, the more I needed to get mental activity to make a balance.   I just can't sleep when my body got tired and my brain didn't.

Maybe I should ride while thinking about something hard, no!  That's just dangerous!!

I guess I should ride just moderately.  I mean around 5 miles per day. 


Next mountain will be BMI 25

Unfortunately I was born to be SHORT.  I  was fine in my childhood, then from early teenage I've been chubby until my 20's when I tried to keep a slim enough shape.  But in middle age I've been chubby and glamorous.  Then in my senior age I've been gaining weight.

Last year my weight got the highest I've ever had and my body was getting weak, so I decided to bicycle which I've never thought that I can do.

I was so busy to figure out how to ride safely in 2015, that I never set a goal for reducing my weight.  The result was just bouncing up.  I got into a black hole in which the more I ride, the more I eat and gain.

Especially during May this year we had a terrible hay fever season and my body just didn't want to ride so much and I was really frustrated.

When my weight got almost back to the highest point in 2015 which was in the middle of June this year, I decided to do all kinds of diet, and also I figured out not to ride too long as last year. 

Because the more you ride, the more you eat--habit is very hard to fix for me.  So I try to ride around 5 miles almost every day,  and additionally I started walking which I've never favored before.

It seems so far so good.