
September Biking was finished with twilight moon

Good 4 days gardening made me busy, but we pushed ourselves onto the pedals at the last minute before dark.  

We planted vegetables for winter, and separated jammed green onions.   Leftover baby Patty pan were cooked in soup, that was delicious.

No more excuse for not riding, no matter that I got tired from gardening, I will bicycle!


Napa Valley Vine Trail

Finally I found the trail on which we don't need to worry about speedy cars too much for our bicycling; we drove up to Napa yesterday.   When we left our home, the temperature was going up higher and higher.  But the trail riding was quite comfortable with pretty strong wind blowing.

We started biking from Park and Ride at Redwood Ave, the vine trail is just over there.

 We started riding here towards Yountville.

The Napa Valley Vine Trail from here to Yountville has interesting parts.
Nice straight part.
Curvy and bumpy part.

Quite a narrow bridge for me, but it was OK yesterday because no opposite direction cyclist came.)

Double bridge, we love them.

Beautiful single bridge.

But the trail was cut by local roads here and there, so you have to watch out. Luckily an experienced looking cyclist came after us, and we could just follow him at the first crossing road.

Gradually we got used to it.

There is a long crossing.

 There is a nice bench and an outhouse.  "Honey! I need to stop here!"

 This is the Yountville fire station.  Our goal will come soon.

Yes, we reached it.  There is a parking lot. 

 And we U-turned to go back.  (Next time we will figure out how to go farther to get some yummy food. )

 Two cyclists passed us, so I enjoyed following for a while.  They were fast.
 We haven't ridden more than 10 miles for a long time, so we were pleased.

Next day today we noticed our fatigue in the morning.  We will take it easy tomorrow.  And will have another fun ride soon.


Walking in autum

Cutting off the chains of crazy gardening madness for myself, I walked this morning with my friend.

It was really fall, I found a lot of acorns on the ground.

I want to have a bike trip, but just couldn't decide...
Maybe tomorrow..


It's cool!

The temperature at 7 AM today was 51 F, a little chilly.  But it's just right for me to bicycle.  I felt like singing to ride.

Hope it will continue this temperature. 

Yesterday we were both worn out, so we skipped riding.  And did gardening all day.  

My husband's vegetable garden is almost going to finish.

It's just the right time to finish, because we ate a lot of these patty pans this year.


Merciful cloudy and cool day

Finally that evil hot heat has gone.  We got a nice and cooling day today.
But my pedaling was very heavy, actually my body got extremely heavy and my legs and ankles had a hard time today.  Four days with no ride gave me quite an impact.  Shouldn't complain, because I still can ride.  A little bit.


New strategy didn't work when..

We had a hot night all the way 'till almost midnight, that made me crazy with interrupted sleep.
Then we waited too long to cool off at night, unfortunately we stayed too late, which sent us back to our old habit. 
We can't get enough energy to ride, so we just did gardening which is not easy either.  Pathetic.... agrrrrrr..

At least the roses seem happier, and raggedy looking Gazania were gone so I felt better.  And at least I sweated some from the work.  Exhausting.....

Hot, steamy, hot, steamy, hot, hot....  😞😬😒

Only the Vole in our garden is extremely energetic, persistently using the same hole and going and back no matter how I destroyed it by filling it back.


Avoid getting sick from the weird weather

The strange severe migraine has attacked me for 5 days.  And I learned that I need to sweat when it's hot.  If I avoid it too much, I will get sick.  But I can't go out in severe hot temperature either.

So finally we, night owls had to change our life style completely.  

We get up between 6 am and 7:30 am, and try bicycling in cool air.

But we got stressed out during the day time, we gained a lot of weight.  Now especially I have to be on a diet under such difficult conditions right now. 

At least I tried to sweat some during the day, after meals.

When the temperature hits about 90 F, I just can't go out.  Since the heat caused my migraine last time, I got scared. 

We just cut the distance for riding bicycle.
And changed the pillow direction, it helped us for better sleeping.

Roses in our garden are tougher than us.