
Couldn't feel when it was time to rest

Since we're not working to improve speed or distance, we could ride just short distances at comfortable speed to get just right exercise.

We did ride 7 days in a row, and we both got strange fatigue all of a sudden on the night of the 7th day.  I got worse than him, with headache, dizziness, and a little fever which continued all day yesterday.

Is that from aging?  Or just a simply stupid riding plan without resting between no matter slow we rode?

I searched on the Internet.  Unfortunately there were not many articles for ordinary, old cyclists.

But some article said, older age cyclists have reduced capacity but only a little (about 1.8% per decade).  Older cyclists still do well at endurance riding, but they take longer to recover after riding.

 And I read somebody said we older people can't depend on bicycling only for healthy exercise, because we need to shake our bones by touching the ground with running or walking to avoid losing bone density.

So I'm going to make our weekly schedule which is a combination of bicycling, walking, and resting.  I  thought 2 days a week for complete resting should be right.  I need to check the weather information too.

I hope it will help us in the future.

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