
Riding beween raining and next raining

Yesterday we could ride that way pretty well.  I took off my trunk and put trash bag to cover the rack not to get water from the road. 

Fortunately there weren't so many puddles of water on the road yesterday.  So I don't know if my temporary cover is useful or not.

It was raining this morning too, so we waited for a while until the rain stopped.  That's it. Let's go!- we thought the right moment like yesterday, but the rain began pouring more and more.  So finally we gave up.  Only 1 mile for 8 minutes 21 seconds.

Then we had a time in late afternoon, so we tried to ride again.  No rain hit us, but the air was getting colder and colder.  So I gave up after 38 minutes22 seconds.  6 miles.

So I thought that I can use my crochet cap under the helmet temporarily.  The weather changed so severely.

I hope our whole gloves and my cap under helmet will be delivered soon.

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