
Want to record another E.worm discovery

The next day after the last earthworm-caused chain fall-off incident, he found another desiccated E.worm on my bicycle brake!
On my bicycle too?!!  ....  We need to watch out about earthworms for after rain bicycling, I thought.  But it's so hard to see them on the ground soon enough.  And I wonder is it better to take them off as soon as possible or to let them dry first, then take them off.

We had a nice and lazy day off yesterday for resting.
Now it's a sunny weekend morning, we'd better hit the road soon.  But where we should go for a ride with warmer weather to avoid old knee injury pain.

Well, definitely we'd like to go when it's warmer in the afternoon, but the population on the trail might be crowded in the afternoon, if we go to any popular place.
So better to leave soon! 

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