
His 70th Birthday Ride

It was a sunny and gorgeous CA Spring day yesterday.  He already loaded our bicycles a day before, so it was easy to hit the road.  

Nowadays we just can't do more than two things on the same day.
And we were getting more nervous and scared to do new things including riding in new places where we've never ridden before.

But we were talking ourselves into it, if we go over there, we can eat the crab sandwiches and have some clam chowder.

So we passed by the entrance of the trail and found the place to eat first.  
  There was a long line in front of the store, and when  we came to very close to the entrance, I looked back and found the line continuing more.  The view of Marina across the street is quite nice,

And there was a dog who is very shy and very expressive entertaining for us so that we didn't get too tired to wait. 
The bread of the sandwich was toasted to perfect crispiness and a lot of crab made us very happy.
OK, let's ride!

We parked on the North side of the trail from CA-1.  And started to ride around the marsh area which was quite dry and covered with lots of colorful flowers of ice plants.

We saw the people who were enjoying wind surfing in the Bodega Harbor.  

 I got a little nervous as usual but smoothly got on the White bridge.  Thank God, nobody was there.
The beautiful nature trail was so enjoyable, 

but we reached busy Doran Beach Road so soon.

When I turned around there was a sign.

We rode the trail back and tried riding around counterclockwise, and found the beautiful spot to take a picture.

This is the photo I took.

We rode just 2.5 miles, but we still could ride in a new place without hurting ourselves; that's the bright side.



Walking is our neccessity, no bicycling?!

Yesterday we walked for over an hour together.  We realized the other day that we should walk more often, but we had forgotten our decision.  So finally we did.
Because we both were tired, we took it easy walking; walked slowly with conversation to distract our pain.
We enjoyed the flowers along the street.  Found a Tulip Tree that was blooming.  

Both of us got really tired and hurt, our house was still far away.  Then I noticed my husband's right foot curving strangely, so I told him. After he tried not to do that, his pain was eased quite a bit.
I tried mine too.  And then our neighbors who were walking for their exercise appeared on the street, so we stopped and had a chat for a while.

When we started walking again, I noticed that my small back pain had almost gone.  We need to stop sometime and then continue walking.

Old body needs some attention.

Next morning today, we were groaning for our body pain which is worse than the one after bicycling.

We need walking, we need walking....
But it's raining this morning.  God's mercy, maybe. 😉😊


"Honey, you should go front."

Finally I could ride to follow him.  It's nice to follow somebody for riding, because I've been riding and thinking which course to go.

But for some reason when the road changed to up slope, I have a tendency to slow down and he has a tendency to speed up, and soon he is away up solo riding.  So I changed gear and sped up almost like a sprint to catch him.  I could do it nowadays.  That's great. 

So we could ride 9 miles today!  I should keep asking him to go first.



We tried to walk or bike before meals.  So far we couldn't keep up.  Finally we walked a little in the morning and biked early in the afternoon today.  

There are some people who are walking or biking more than twice a day.  I saw them on the road in our community.  I bowed to them deeply.  
I wish I could do it.  How did they get such motivation I wonder.
I really need to reduce my weight, because my knees and thighs have been complaining recently when I was pedaling.  
And I got a pain on my butt today!!? When I just started riding my bicycle.  There was no reason to feel pain, I got shocked.
Luckily the pain didn't continue so long.  

But I really began to worry about my weight.
Can I reduce my eating?   



Wanted to ride somewhere, but look at our garden..

We used to have a lot of rain in winter only January and some in February here Northern CA.  But this year we had much over the average so that our garden is still squishy.  In addition we had rain last night.  Oh, no, I thought the rainy season had gone, but not!!?

Over-grown rose flowers weigh too much so that the branch was almost going to snap or fall down.

We had to work in our garden instead of  riding on such perfect fine day today.  Afterwards our legs and back got really hurt.

I wish I could share these lovely roses and statice flowers with somebody who would like to have them.



Need just a little push to keep going

He got a cold.  This morning he didn't have a fever like yesterday.  But he was still tired and sleepy even after breakfast.  So he went to bed to take some sleep and I walked for 35 minutes by myself before lunch.

After late lunch together I asked him to go bicycling for a short distance, and he seemed OK.

The blue sky was getting cloudy, but we came back without getting wet.  In only 32 minutes, we could bike for 4.1 miles!  That is pretty good.

My arthritis pain and stiffness on my left middle finger got better after  I drank a glass of red wine.  Yes, walking, bicycling, and drinking a little wine worked very well.



60 minutes Morning Walk!?

Got up before 7 am, took shower, and started laundry washing.  Drank just a half cup of orange juice, went for a morning walk with my friend yesterday.

Usually we walk the main road in our community only for about 45 minutes, this time we walked an unknown trail here and there for me.  And that choice was very exciting, and easily I lost where I was.

Stopped and admired the big cherry tree drawing a beautiful picture by just standing.  My friend and I were oohing and ahhing about the tree.

 The temperature was around 50 F, chilly morning came back, but we were enjoying our Huckleberry Finnish walking with talking and laughing for an hour.

When I got home, I was exhausted.  Because I lost my sense of time.
30 minutes later, pain of my back of hip started and lasted all day yesterday.😨

Night time 30 minutes light and full exercise with crying last night fixed my ache. I'm OK this morning.  What a surprise!


Always clamed in our house on weekend.

It's a sunny and bright gorgeous day on Sunday.  I feel like going somewhere to ride, but not.

Just went riding on our community roads. 
"Oh?! Is that Kanzan cherry tree blossom?"  I stopped my bike, and looked so enviously.😲  

Our small Kanzan tree doesn't have any flowers blooming yet.😣

Anyway we finished a 60 minute ride at relatively slow speed.  Because while I was riding, the back of my right calf got slightly crampy.  When I tried to sit on a chair at home, I noticed that my neck got really stiff.  Now I'm sitting in front of computer, my feet and ankles started getting achy.

But we did it today. That's what counts.


Even over 60 minutes riding got hard?!

Maybe the temperature got too warm or the wind was blowing too much pushing feathery seeds flying in the air?  Or my itchy eyes and nose dragged me down?

Today's 60 minute ride was awfully exhausting.  Afterwards pains came out all over my body.  Shoulders, arms, thighs and back.... 😭

Riding in late afternoon is not good for us.  
So many things I wanted to finish today, and riding was at the end. 
Morning ride might be better, I wonder.😔
Warm weather is nice, but hay fever season is not welcome!😱

Luckily it will rain tomorrow.  Hope all the pollen will be washed away.