
5-27-15 Bicycles in life

Monday 25th and Tuesday 26th, we walked 2 miles and biked our neighborhood 5 miles on each day.  We got just pooped.  Mr. wheelpedal was no energy left, and I noticed finally after gardening a little bit, oh, my goodness, I'm exhausted.

So we decided today is for resting.

Found interesting videos.

  Laughing made me cheer up

I need this slow pedaling practice!

My eyes can't follow the speed!

Well, I hope I can ride tomorrow.  My plantar fasciitis on the right heel has gone now!


Anonymous said...

Rest days are essential for your muscles to recover, rebuild, and rejuvenate. Good for the mind, too.


Mrs. W said...

Thanks CyclePatH!

I see. Healthy body and mind we need to keep going, right!