It was a hot day today. Glad that we had a great biking yesterday. By now I found our bicycling life direction. No way I can train my old body to be strong the same as younger ones, strength-wise, time-wise, but we just want to enjoy riding, and maintaining our bodies. Eating healthier to ride comfortably, sleeping well to prepare for another new bicycle route.
I've never imagined that bicycling trips would get addictive.
Planning is very time consuming for us, because we just can't ride without thinking about distance, road condition, rest-able place etc.
Yes, our bicycling is not training style for stretching out our ability, more like working a little by little to get more fun. Maybe this way we might be able to continue to ride.
In a way I'm getting interested in running again, of course I can't run like when I was young at all, but I feel like trying step by step.
I haven't checked our garden for a while, I found quite a bit of seedpods got brown on the vine of Scarlet runner. It is always exciting to see the gem stone like beans from rough looking pods.
I hope our small steps of work will be our jewel in the future.
As long as you are having fun and enjoying your riding, you'll be motivated to keep doing it. Your skills and abilities will develop naturally with time. It's great that you are finding good information on technique from online websites and in books. You might check your library for bike magazines and/or bicycle training DVDs. May be fun for good tips and inspiration. I think bicycle riding is much easier on the body than running.
Thank you so much for taking time to write your comments. Reading your comments is always thrilling and exciting, the words that come from your experience and thoughts encouraged me a lot.
I know running is dangerous for me, I thought before, but almost dragging run is still fun to try, that much energy I got from bicycling. That's great.
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