
Crossed over the 15 mile hurdle!

Today's workout:
Easy riding around 9 mph for 1 mile, fast pedaling around 10-12mph for another 1mile, then I was out of breath so had to calm down so rode easy for a half mile, next 1 mile up slope as fast as possible, then fast but easy pedaling on 1mile down slope alternatively 4 times, half mile for easy between, and another 2miles pedaling as fast as I could, then 1 mile for cooling off.  We had a 5 minute chat with our neighbor.

Distance:  15.2 miles, Average Speed:  9.9 mph, Max Speed:  29.4 mph?!!, Time:  1h30min.

I stopped at around 4.5 miles to drink some water, that was energy boosting the same as on last Friday.

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