
Resting day

"Let's have a nice resting day tomorrow!"  We were saying so and went to bed last night.  We both slept for almost 9 hours!  We were so surprised.  

Muscles all over on my body got stiff, so we did TV stretch this morning.  At the beginning we were in pain here and there, but felt better later.

We got many plums from our plum tree, so I skinned and sliced plums, he baked plum pie.  We ate plum pie a la mode. 

 We enjoyed it very much, we missed pie for a long time.

I haven't driven our car for months, so I drove today to go shopping.  That was a strange feeling to drive again, my brain got strongly set for biking, driving was odd for a while.  Old brain reacts like that?!!

I should drive at least once or even twice a week to maintain my brain.  Meanwhile Mr. WhP got younger nowadays, and I'm happy.

Visiting an old friend's new house and met her friend.  We didn't ride today at all to completely rest.  That was nice.

But tomorrow I'd like to ride at little bit.

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