
Faithfully and patiently practice and practice...

In fact my favorite time to bike is in early morning when it is cool.  But we have never done that so far.  So always end up around noon or later after noon when it's cooler.

We rode on community roads; I took the folding bike again.
Distance:  10.1 miles, Average Speed:  7.7 mph, Max speed:  15.7 mph, Time:  1h 19,  459.8 cal

Starting got much better except still a little wobbly sometimes.  Stopping was still poor.

The bicycling made us happy, even though it was hot, so sweat a lot, and gusty winds blew mercilessly on the up slope.

We're looking for good bike trails or roads.

Oh, I didn't know my saddle height was higher than before when I rode last Sunday, and I was fine.  So I changed the folding bike's saddle too.  Pedaling on the slope got much easier today.

I really liked the music video on May 23rd.  I love her song too.

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