
Corte Madera-Larkspur Bike Trip

After 2 more days riding in our community which were:

Sep. 25,
Sep. 26,
We felt strongly to go Bike Trip to somewhere.  And we planned.
We found both paved and dirt bike/walk path near the town center in Corte Madera, and it continues to the North and West.
We came out to the dirt trail first and took this photo of Mt. Tam and the town center.

This is the dirt trail. 

The dirt trail branched out to the East and then we saw some view.
Larkspur Path

We rode to cover pretty much all parts of our plan today.
I forgot to stop the cyclometer when we finished riding, so the map showed the way we walked to the rest room and the restaurant.  Boca Pizzeria's pizza and salad were superb.

All of today's paths are separated completely from cars and trucks, and we saw many children on their bikes too, what a peaceful feeling to see that.

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