I was sitting on around my tail bone yesterday, because my back muscle got tired? It must be my bad habit... It hurts.... Unlike my knees and ankles, these guys are fine. Even my weak right shoulder pain last night has gone today. Ouch butt, OB< OB<OB..... .... Maybe I can train my back muscle stronger and stick my butt out to sit all the time. ???
Next problem is fatally worse one. I always sit on the seat and start. So my seat is low for me still, I guess.
But I can't other leg swing over when the first leg on the pedal. I'm scared. When you stop, you have to do reverse which I can't do either.
Gosh, I'm not sure if I can do it right in the future....
I found the good video! I might be able to do it after many practices.
Not many conditions are worse than Ouch Butt. I can't quite picture the problem you're having with swinging your leg over, but hope the video instruction is helping you. I feel certain that you'll work it out with time and practice.
Swinging leg over is the way which Mr. W does and other people I saw in old time. But my curiosity found the video, and I was pleased.
As you hoped it helped me for my start! But my stop is not pretty as it should be yet. I need to watch the video again to imagine myself doing.
Thank you, CyclePatH!
I thought that might be what you meant -- like putting your foot on one pedal and swinging your other leg over the whole bike? I rarely do that. It's too hard! I do it like they show in the video you found. You are such a diligent learner, I'm sure it will become easier soon. Yes, visualizing doing it the way you want to do it will definitely help.
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