I thought that was good idea to make our bike trail in our garden which has turned to miserable gray and brown color because of California water crisis and water saving rules. At least it looked more cheerful, because of the circle line. And Mr. WhP has been enjoying so much that I was happy enough but I sometimes got jealous of him. Because my bad balance sense couldn't improve overnight! Damn, damn.... my left foot and both arms and lower part of my body!! Even though I practiced a little bit, my psychological heavy lock got my body, and it is getting worse. I don't like to ride on narrow path!
I got frustrated and got mad about myself and depressed.
Oh, well, I'd better to ride on paved road. And we did. Unfortunately my right toes cramped after we rode 10 miles, so we went back home. Strangely Mr. WhP's big toes got numb when he got home back. Of course he rode rough garden trail quite a time before.
It sounds very old folks.
Today's record:
Distance, Average Speed, Max Speed, and Time
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