
I want to try it too!

I have continued working on our garden trail yesterday.  Mr. WhP is always test cyclist, and I'm watching carefully to find better line to make.  Finally I made better, because he said so yesterday.  But it's too late and I was very exhausted from using a heavy mattock.  
So I was excited to try our garden trail this morning!
First I decided to try riding on the gravel path again not putting weight too much on the handle.  But I forgot not to look at the direction which I shouldn't go.  
I have stomped on my favorite flower.  "Sorry, flowers!"
Riding on gravel is so hard for me, because I loose balance so easily.  I know I need faster speed but my left foot didn't come up to pedal quickly.  

OK, on dirt will be much easier.  I could go through compost box and tall kale, but the next curve was up slope and my left foot got chickened to pedal faster and I lost my balance. agrrrr...
How about letting my left foot start instead of right foot pushing down to start, so I can put my right foot on the pedal much quicker.  ummmm....  I was thinking very hard. 

It worked!  But left foot starting is so awkward;  I need practice more.

OK.  Bumpy surface ride was finished today.  Let's go road bike!

At beginning I decided to use 2 for back gear and pedal faster.  I was so scared to use small number before because my balance was worse and I couldn't pedal so fast.  Now I thought I might be able to pedal faster than before.  And I did.
It turned out that was an excellent start.  I didn't get tired so much as usual.  We rode 18 miles!!!   

Average Speed, Max Speed, Distance, and Time.

When I rode 7.5 miles, we had to drink water and we needed restroom so we went back home for that, and also we ate something quickly.  I ate half banana and almond milk, and he ate small piece of almond chocolate and half a banana,  and we both drank water again to restart.

It was fun ride.  I noticed some parts of body got stiff.  So we did TV stretch for just 15 min.

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