
6-4-15 Take it easy bike

Since we got up, we've been sluggish.  We slept well, but the fatigue is still there.  We thought that we couldn't ride even though I wanted.  

When the clock showed 4:00 pm, I really missed riding my bike.  I shouldn't ....   Maybe a short riding wouldn't be so bad, I thought.

Well, we did.  I remembered the start which I practiced yesterday.  I did well, but I still didn't lift the seat up higher yet.  Don't push, take it easy.

The result.
5 miles for 35 min.  Average speed, 8.5 miles.  That's not bad.

We will sleep well again tonight.  :-)


Mr. W said...

The main pain was in my shoulders, otherwise just tired muscles, not so painful. In spite of that, we just couldn't stay off the bikes and out we went intending to just do a short loop. It stretched into more that expected--after a slow start, I felt good and went up the hill fairly fast (for me anyway). I can really feel the old muscles toning up despite my advanced age--reminds me of 40 mile rides long ago when the world was young, a pleasant memory!

Mrs. W said...

Yeah, our old body is strange. I felt no more riding today. You, too. But our bodies still have some strength to ride, that's good thing to know.
Wow, 40 miles?!! I wish I could have known you that long time go.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like your endorphins are kicking in. They produce a feeling of euphoria that makes you want to ride even though your logical mind tells you that you're really too tired.


Mr W said...

Yeah, sometimes riding along I hit a comfortable pace and feel as if I could continue indefinitely! That's surely a trick of the brain to keep me from thinking about how sore I'll be later!

CyclePatH said...

I know that feeling. Isn't it great? Also wanted to mention that being able to ride at an "advanced age" is one of the things I think is so wonderful about bicycling. I get such a kick out of seeing the wide variety of riders in our town: little tykes on their first, tiny little bikes; middle schoolers doing loop-de-loos at the skatepark; teenagers riding down the sidewalk texting on their iphones; university bicycle team members practice riding; bag ladies on big tricycles collecting plastic bottles; crusty bums riding the wrong way down the bike lane smoking a cigarette; fast and furious serious dandies who look like they're ready for the Tour de France; highway commuters on their recumbents; little old men and women out for a Sunday spin -- you name it and they are out there.

I sometimes think of videos I've seen of places like China, where it's common for everybody to ride bicycles as a primary mode of transportation - even the most ancient little old folk. It's such a good thing. I want to be able to continue to ride forever....

Mr W said...

Yes, bicycling is great at any age. There was a little kid at the
lake with a no pedal bike--he could go up hill at an astonishing
pace--must wear out sneakers every week! There's an old woman (well
maybe not that old) who comes whizzing by on her way to play tennis with
her racket poking up out of her pack; when ever she sees us, she calls
out, "faster!" as she swoops past. In Tokyo people use bicycles quite a lot as daily transportation, you see women with kids on the back whipping along like the wind--they often have bike lanes on the sidewalks, and they paint directives on the pavement--I quickly learned which side is for pedestrian!