
6-05-15 Morning bike +

The weather man said it's going to be over 80 F today.  So we rode in the morning today.  Mr. WhP is always not awake completely in the morning.  In addition he is draggy.
So I took our folding bike today which is very heavy handle and pedals.  At the beginning I had a little hard time to start.  The handle is too easy to move around, but finally I got used to it.

We did an hour bike.  At the end my butt started getting sore, groaning with small voice I came back home.  I have to reduce my weight! Poor my butty.

It's so beautiful today.  I want to go somewhere for biking.  But I have a lot of chore to do.  agrrrr...

It was sooo hot in the afternoon that I couldn't finish all the chores.  And I felt very strange because of the heat even inside of our house.  As if "I'm going to get sick..." 

So I decided to go out for a ride again. He was ready, too!
Oh, my goodness!!  We got really crazy ... The temperature of our back yard still showed over 80 F!

But it was breezy as usual, and we were getting better.  In addition I asked him to raise my seat a little bit when he adjusted his seat, so I got a new feeling for my bike riding.
Some part of community roads are private, so we try not to go too fast.  But main road are free to speed up.  Even speed limit is 25 mph, no way older people like us can break it.  

So, the second ride result is:
Average speed of the afternoon ride is better than the morning.
And,  total distance we rode today is 6.34+6.49=12.83 miles.  We couldn't break our record today.  But we rode in different condition and we felt much better from sweating!

By the way, quite a few very older people were walking with their dogs in such a condition in the late afternoon.  That made me surprised.


CyclePatH said...

You two are officially diagnosed with Bicycle Fever! Treatment options: rest, plenty of fluids, artistic ice cream sundaes, and get out there and ride some more! Two rides in one day will really boost your fitness level. Just make sure to give yourselves sufficient recovery time.

It's good that you are getting your saddle up a little higher. It will help distribute the workload over more muscle groups and should make your bicycling more comfortable. As you get more confident on the bike, you may surprise yourself at how fast you might like to let the bike roll down a hill. I won't report you if you end up breaking the speed limit.:)

Mrs. WhP said...

Thank you for watching us, CyclePatH! Yeah, this is very addictive. If I don't ride, this is not right!--that kind of feeling threatening me. I need a rest, but in my old age the sense got numbed. Sometimes it's hard to judge.

Yes, you gave me very interesting advice before to raise the saddle up 1/2 inch for every 2 or 3 days, I'd like to do that.